TRIBUTES: Before Snow’s involvement in the Hunger Games, the tributes were treated like prisoners. They’re transported to the Capitol in dirty cattle cars, starved, and housed in subhuman conditions.
MENTORS: There were no mentors for the first 9 Hunger Games.
VIEWERSHIP: Hardly anyone watched the Games, and those who did were in the Capitol.
PRIZES: If you managed to kill everyone else and win the Games you got…..Nothing.
TECHNOLOGY: The Tributes were given a few weapons and nothing else. Once inside the Arena, they received no help from the outside.
TRIBUTES: Partially out of compassion and partly out of ambition, Snow convinced the Capitol to feed the Tributes. If they’re not starving, they’ll give a better show while trying to kill each other.
MENTORS: Snow’s graduating class is given the opportunity to Mentor one of the Tributes.
VIEWERSHIP: One of the main goals for this Hunger Games was to increase audience engagement. It’s the first year betting is allowed and the audience could really become invested in their favorite Tribute.
PRIZES: Dean Highbottom sneaks Lucy some money for Winning.
TECHNOLOGY: Old military drones are recommissioned to use facial recognition and drop off food and water from the Sponsors. When the Games are unfolding slowly, Dr. Gaul unleashes Mutts (in the form of incredibly venomous neon snakes) to move the action forward. This is the first year that Tributes are allowed help from the outside after entering the Arena and Mutts are involved.
TRIBUTES: The Tributes are treated like Celebrities rather than Prisoners. They ride to the Capitol in a luxury train, offered more food than they could possibly eat, and housed in a luxury hotel designed specifically for that purpose.
MENTORS: Rather than being mentored by the graduating class, Tributes are Mentored by previous winners from their own Districts.
VIEWERSHIP: It’s mandatory to watch the Games and citizens are punished if they don’t comply.
PRIZES: Thanks to Snow, each Victor is given a monetary prize, and a house in the “Victor’s Village”. Each citizen from their District is given a food parcel.
TECHNOLOGY: The Drones are way more advanced and discreet. Tributes routinely receive assistance from the outside through Sponsors and inventively violent Mutts are used to keep the Games fast-paced.
The newest installment in the Hunger Games Universe!
A deep dive into the plagiarism allegations!